Keyworker Mortgages

our mission

We are on a mission to pay due respect to all Keyworkers in the UK
We are dedicated to safe the finances for all Keyworkers
We love to show we care for our keyworkers and their family

“Let’s change the narrative…

Keyworkers Sacrificed Their All While We Safely Isolated With Families And Friends

There are times in life when you have given so much of yourself, denying yourself what others enjoy only to get little or often nothing in return.
You see, the sacrifices made by all the Covid-19 Key workers cannot be physically measured. Most of these critical workers both at the frontline and the back end, had to deny themselves the joy of being with their loved ones just to care for the loved ones of you and me.
It doesn’t even stop there; some have to leave their children with families and friends so as not to expose them to the evil claws of the deadly coronavirus.
The fact is; while we isolated together as a family and also had time to bond with our spouse and kids, the Covid-19 Key workers had to deny themselves this pleasure, daily exposing themselves to a disease that could suddenly cut their lives short.

“And truth be told, we lost some of these wonderful heroes to the deadly Covid-19 pandemic”

Have you ever tried to imagine what could have happened if these brave heroes chickened out in the face of the deadly virus outbreak?
Perhaps you might not be aware that in the UK, spitting and other assaults on emergency workers were already happening regularly and had to be addressed in the Assaults on Emergency Workers (Offences) Act.
What’s more? Medics experienced stigma and ostracism and were been verbally assaulted or evicted by fearful landlords in the UK, US, India, Myanmar and the Philippines. Can you imagine how you will feel if you find yourself in the shoes of these Covid-19 Key workers?
Have you also considered this; the government scheme for furlough gave 80% income to affected employees, maximum income being £2,500 and the beneficiaries of this grant weren’t even going to work.

“However, most of the Covid-19 Key workers who made grave sacrifices daily did not even benefit from this grant despite the obvious fact that they earn less…

Listen! Key workers under the National Health Service (NHS) and in other sectors earn a monthly average income of about £2,200 to £2,300. And what’s more; they still had to go to work daily. It’s no wonder some allude to the saying that “Life isn’t fair.”
Do you believe that frontline Key workers such as health and social care staff (doctors, nurses, midwives, paramedics, etc.) were heroes who stood up to their calling especially during the Covid-19 pandemic?
Did you join the Nation to applaud Covid-19 Key workers every Thursday by 8am?
Do you think the 1 minute clapping was all our key workers deserved?

“Though Covid-19 Key workers are been honoured and applauded weekly in the United Kingdom. But is this the best we can do for those who made sacrifices for us at the expense of their own lives…

In a bid to change the narrative about these unsung heroes, we decided to take the bull by the horn thereby coming up with a scheme tagged

Save The Keyworker Finances

First, we work with specialist UK based Mortgage solution provider with who are laser-focused on the keyworker specialist mortgage market. Furthermore, keyworker Mortgages provides its clients with access to specialist top notch mortgage professional services to enable them refinance or remortgage without stress. And here is the good news about this Key worker Mortgage scheme; will be providing Covid-19 Key workers a free complete Mortgage Review which will automatically help them save, instead of the normal charge of £695 for mortgage adviser fees. Wow! And that is not all; Keyworker Mortgage will also assist Covid-19 Key workers refinance or remortgage seamlessly further helping them to save about £2,570 on the average yearly. In addition, keyworker Mortgage, with access to UK wide regulated mortgage adviser network will:

In addition, keyworker Mortgage, with access to UK wide regulated mortgage adviser network will:

⦁ Provide them with personalized education to help them escape the imminent debt rat race caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
⦁ Use technology to enhance virtual meetings creating real-life engagement. No need for Face to Face consultation
⦁ Guide them in order to get best possible deals among the Hundreds of Loan Products available
⦁ Help them save valuable time

“Though we have promotional offers that Non Covid-19 Key workers can benefit from, this Key worker Mortgage Scheme is specifically designed to assist Covid-19 Key workers financially…

Perhaps you are wondering about those who actually qualify as key workers. Definitely it is not just the doctors and nurses
Are you aware that Nursery teachers…including teaching assistants – and social workers all played important roles during the global pandemic?
Are you also aware that Food chain workers, including those involved in production, processing, distribution, sale and delivery of goods, and Key public services are also keyworkers?
Though working at the back end, Postal workers – those required to run the justice system, religious staff, and those responsible for managing the deceased, and journalists providing public service broadcasting were all essential workers that helped in combating the Covid-19 pandemic.
Not to be left out are Local and national government workers in admin roles “essential to the effective delivery” of the Covid-19 response or delivering essential public services, including payment of benefits.
In addition to this list of Covid-19 Keyworkers are Utility workers, Police and support staff, Ministry of Defence civilian staff and armed forces personnel, fire and rescue staff, and workers responsible for border security, prisons and probation.
And lastly, all Transport system staff that ensured safe and continuous operation of road, rail, water and air transport systems are Covid-19 Key workers who played vital roles from the back end.

“These professionals from several works of life all looked after the nation, now here is a challenge to help them look after their finances without a cost to them…

In your opinion, do you think the government has done enough to support our Key workers professionally and financially?
Come to think of it, these Covid-19 Key workers experienced various degree of work stress coupled with their personal financial stress.
Don’t you think their finances took the back stage while they were acting as heroes to safe the nation?
A simple way to help or say thank you to this critical and essential workers is by sharing this piece of information most especially with Covid-19 Key workers you might know.

“Credible Statistics reveal that there are an estimated 10 million key workers playing a crucial role in Britain's fight against coronavirus…

Let’s face it, for all the Covid-19 Key workers did before and during the global pandemic, it’s really a shame if you can’t spare 2 minutes to show them you care and that you want their finances to be better despite the amount of stress they face as a result of their line of work.
Will you stand up for the right thing or let this opportunity to help these deserving heroes pass by?
If you don’t take an action now by sharing or tagging these Key workers, how would you feel when next you see that Nurse, Police officer or other Key workers?
We have the power of social media now to make our little contribution.
Imagine if you share this information amongst your friends and network on social media and even offline via text, email etc. You would have played a vital role of saving the families of these Covid-19 Keyworkers from financial stress.
Kindly consider this, Covid-19 Keyworkers have helped our Nation, it’s high time you helped them with this gift of about £3,200 by sharing and tagging Key workers that you know.
Do not forget, the more this message can be spread, the more the Key workers we can all collectively help. Click on the Share Button to show you care for all the keyworkers who saved our lives.
However, if you qualify as a UK Covid-19 Key worker, you need not to hesitate.
Click on the button below NOW to benefit from this awesome offer created just for YOU.